Our Steviasugar team work hard to ensure your product preserves the taste you intend it to whilst also keeping quality up to par. By making sure taste is not neglected, your functional food supplements can encourage consumer consumption by delivering nutrients in a more palatable and easy-to-take form than traditional supplement forms.

We develop your products ensuring the additional active ingredients retain their nutritional value when mixed with other ingredients. Each ingredient’s pH level, solubility, bioavailability and stability are considered.


Our Steviasugar team work hard to ensure your product preserves the taste you intend it to whilst also keeping quality up to par. By making sure taste is not neglected, your functional food supplements can encourage consumer consumption by delivering nutrients in a more palatable and easy-to-take form than traditional supplement forms.

We develop your products ensuring the additional active ingredients retain their nutritional value when mixed with other ingredients. Each ingredient’s pH level, solubility, bioavailability and stability are considered.


We also produce and execute private labels, design & product registrations with NPRA & Jakim (for Halal certification), together with packaging (Inner & Outer) sourcing services to help create the look that is appropriate and suitable for your product line.

Neutraceutical products may take many forms including powders, liquids or unique forms like sachets or tablets. Powders are popular because they are good carriers of functional active ingredients. Once produced, functional foods can be packaged into bottles and pouches as well as individually packaged in small pouches and stick packs.


We also produce and execute private labels, design & product registrations with NPRA & Jakim (for Halal certification), together with packaging (Inner & Outer) sourcing services to help create the look that is appropriate and suitable for your product line. Neutraceutical products may take many forms including powders, liquids or unique forms like sachets or tablets. Powders are popular because they are good carriers of functional active ingredients. Once produced, functional foods can be packaged into bottles and pouches as well as individually packaged in small pouches and stick packs.


We not only formulate for pharmaceutical purposes, but we also specialise in making sure your products taste good. With world class extraction facilities, we are able to make your product taste good, if not better, than the competition. Just give us a taste profile, and our dedicated host of formulists are able to conconct your desired product, while maintaining required nutritional values.


We not only formulate for pharmaceutical purposes, but we also specialise in making sure your products taste good. With world class extraction facilities, we are able to make your product taste good, if not better, than the competition. Just give us a taste profile, and our dedicated host of formulists are able to conconct your desired product, while maintaining required nutritional values.


Plant-Based Nutrition

plant based nutrition

The plant-based trend is revolutionizing every facet of the food, beverage and nutraceuticals industries – with innovation and sales achieving record growth. We have a portfolio of ingredients that stand at the forefront of product development in the plant-base innovation.

Digestive & Colon Health

digestive health

The secret to digestive health is to balance the “good” and “bad” bacteria in the intestine as well as to prevent accumulation of toxin in our body. This is important for battling inflammation and lowering overall disease risk.

Cardiovascular Health

cardio health2

Our cardiovascular support solutions feature a range of ingredients that support heart health from different directions, from cholesterol control, blood pressure control, blood vessel strengthening, omega-rich formula and others.

Immune Boost

immune boost

A healthy immune system is a barrier against illness and keep us strong in everyday life. Immune support helps in elimination of stress, better skin, better physical performance and recovery from exercise and many other benefits.

Cognitive and Brain Health

Human Brain Lobes on Blackboard

Our cognitive support portfolio features a broad range of innovative ingredients distinguished by the breadth and depth of their scientific support. From nutrition-based solutions like Omega-3 to highly targeted ingredients that reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve memory and cognitive processing.



Antioxidants protect the body against cell-damaging free radicals. Oxidative stress due to the presence of free radicals has been linked to chronic inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular conditions.

Eye Health

eye health

Eye health starts from the food we eat everyday. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help to prevent or slow down age-related vision problems, for example macular degeneration and cataracts, night blindness, diabetes-related eye disorders and others.

Men’s Health (Energy & Stamina)


Women go through menopause and men go through andropause. When testosterone levels start to decline, performance and energy levels will decline too. We offer a comprehensive range of natural ingredients that support testosterone levels to maintain speed, strength and muscle mass.

Kid’s Supplements

kids supp

Children need plenty of vitamins and minerals for body growth and development. Among the many vitamins and minerals, some of them are considered as more important in promoting growth, including Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and B12, calcium and iron.


Steviasugar Corporation’s manufacturing plant is capable of producing a wide range of products from functional food to registered health foods

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[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2872″ title=”Tablets” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame]
[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2487″ title=”Tea Bags” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame]
[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2488″ title=”Sachets” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame]
[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2489″ title=”Liquids” el_class=”malaysia-oem-1″][/porto_image_frame]
[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2490″ title=”Powders” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame]


Steviasugar Corporation’s manufacturing plant is capable of producing a wide range of products from functional food to registered health foods

[porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2493″ title=”Capsules” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame][porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2875″ title=”Tablets” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame][porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2495″ title=”Tea Bags” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame][porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2496″ title=”Sachets” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame][porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2497″ title=”Liquids” el_class=”malaysia-oem-1″][/porto_image_frame][porto_image_frame type=”hover-style” align=”center” hover_bg=”hide-wrapper-bg” link_icon=”” image_id=”2498″ title=”Powders” el_class=”malaysia-oem”][/porto_image_frame]
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